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Do Not The Cat 9gag

Do Not the Cat: A Meme's Journey from WikiHow to Global Recognition

The Origin Story of 'Please Do Not the Cat'

The phrase "Please Do Not the Cat" emerged from an edited WikiHow image of a hand reaching toward a furious cat. The original image, intended to illustrate proper feline etiquette, was altered to include the humorous caption, giving birth to a viral sensation.

9gag's Role in Popularizing the Meme

9gag, a popular online humor platform, played a pivotal role in the meme's dissemination. A post featuring the edited image garnered over 7,500 points and 94 comments, propelling it to widespread recognition.

The Meme's Enduring Relevance

Despite its initial debut in 2017, "Please Do Not the Cat" continues to retain its relevance. Its inherent absurdity and relatable message have resonated with audiences worldwide, making it a staple in meme culture.
